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Is Easter Pagan

The Satanic Ritual of Sacrificing Children Every year, the priests of Ishtar would impregnate young virgins on an altar dedicated to herself and her husband*. The children were born on Christmas December 25, and the next year they were sacrificed on Easter Sunday at the sunrise service. The priests would take Ishtar's eggs and dye them in the blood of the sacrificed children.

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What has a easter bunny have ti di with Christ
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Paganorum Pascha

Articulus sequens nititur in libro JR Terrier "Historia Paschalis - Occultus, Secret

De Origine et Mysterio Religionis" Additiones apud Alexandrum Light,, Pascha annua celebratio est per totum Christianum orbem observata, nulli prorsus sunt versiculi in Bibliis qui celebrationem paschalem permittant vel commendent. Nihil de usu observandi Quadragesimae, ova paschalis morientis, ovum paschale, venationes, calathis, bracteas, et sic porro: Pascha iamdudum notum est paganam esse festivitatem: hoc noverunt Americae conditores.


Rituale Sathanicum filii immolandi

Sacerdotes Istar virgines in aram sibi ac viro dicatam quotannis imbuerent. Pueri nati die Nativitatis Domini (!!!), et proximo anno immolabantur Paschae dominico sole orto. Sacerdotes Ishtar ova accipiunt et in puerorum immolatorum sanguine tingunt.


Plus repugnantia

Nostra traditio Feria Sexta in Parasceve in celebratione dominicae tantum rationem reddit Iesum esse in corde terrae duas noctes et unum diem. Numquid facta sunt mortis Iesu?

sepulturam, et resurrectionem pur- puratum? Disce qui non verum dicit, et quare!

Barns Group survey.

​​​"Believers don't care what the truth Is, or care what Yehovah desires from us. We are afraid of looking into, it because it will draw a line in the sand, we know we don't want to make those decisions because at the end of the day, we want what we want, we are comfortable with our lives we are comfortable out traditions that are man-made.

​But you have a thought that pops into your head that's not what it means to me. The issue is it doesn't matter to you it matters to Yehovah He is the one being worshiped."

The problem facing the church is not that people lack a complete set of beliefs the problem is that have a full state of beliefs in mind, which they think are consistent with biblical teachings, and they are neither open to being proven wrong nor learning new insights. The bottom line is among both clergy and laity was indifference toward their acknowledged lack of evaluation" Barrna 




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